iOS Games You Must Play

Hello ! Hello ! Hello iOS users, These post is for the game lovers. There are many games in iOS you might be playing but i bring the nicest iOS games you must be playing this year or coming year. This are the most addictive games which includes puzzle, arcade and  action games.



Horizon chase

HORIZON CHASE is one of the top 10 games of the year. it is racing game inspired from 80s and 90s racing games like top gear, out run etc. Reason why you should play horizon chase:

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Gadgets that ruled 2015

Hello ladies and gentlemen 2015 year has been a great year for new inventions. Many new gadgets have been invented this year so I bring you the best 5 inventions of 2015


Hoverboard is one of the best inventions of 2015. Its very easy to use and very comfortable. Yes you might fall once or twice but its worth it. It works as follows :-

if you want to forward, lean little bit forward. If you want to stop you have to lean bit backward. If you want to turn left press your left foot a bit and same goes for right foot. Its come with the charger and user manual. It can reach the speed of 10mph. when it reaches such a speed your board will make beep sound that tells you that it’s the limit. It can work for 4-5 hours on a single charge. The disadvantage of this board is it that it gets scratched easily. Its price starts from 200dollorshover2


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